Browse Tag: Prose-Poem

“Ring of Fire” (Annular Solar Eclipse) – April 14, 2023

I witnessed a rare cosmic event: a solar eclipse. I had seen photographs of eclipses before, but seeing one in person is a completely different experience. Photographs can’t capture the awe and wonder of feeling the Earth darken and the temperature drop as the Moon passes in front of the Sun.  I saw it from the same city NASA was livestreaming from – Kerrville, Texas.

The morning began with cloudy skies, but the clouds parted before the event unfolded, as if they were scared of the Sun and didn’t want to obscure the magnificent view to come soon.

The celestial bodies orbit one another in a complex dance, and sometimes their paths cross in such a way that a spectacular event is born. In the case of a solar eclipse, the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, blocking the Sun’s light. In this particular eclipse, the Moon was not able to completely cover the Sun, so a ring of sunlight remained visible.

The ring phase of the eclipse only lasted a few minutes, but it felt like time stood still as I marveled at the sight. The temperature dropped noticeably, and even though there was still light, its intensity was reduced to the point where I didn’t need sunglasses.

As the Moon continued its journey, its shadow grew smaller and smaller. Finally, the Moon passed completely out of the Sun’s way, and the Sun returned to its full glory.

I don’t believe in gods or religions, but I do believe in a Creator who created the universe and orchestrates its movements. Witnessing this solar eclipse has only deepened my reverence for the Creator.

I intend to watch the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024.


Cosmic dance in sky
Moon in Sun’s total embrace
A sight to behold.



Oh, celestial dance of light and shade,
Annular eclipse, your beauty displayed.

When Moon’s shadow hugs the Sun,
A fiery ring, a cosmic tale is spun.

Oh, Ring of Fire, your brilliance inspires,
A celestial wonder that never tires.

A spectacle of wonder and awe,
A fleeting glimpse of nature’s draw.

From Oregon to Brazil, your path extends,
Where sky gazers gather, a rare show portends.

With filtered eyes, we witness your grace,
A celestial ballet, a cosmic embrace.

In eternal harmony, the dance unfolds,
A story of light and shadow, humanity beholds.

So let us celebrate this rare cosmic art
And cherish the beauty in our heart.

For in the Ring of Fire, we find our place,
Connected to the heavens, in boundless space.



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