Browse Tag: Free Verse

Tide Pool (My poem #6B)

A craggy shore
A pile of rocks,
A tiny pond
Er pool – a tide-pool.

Cutoff from the sea
But not dis-connected
Part of ocean’s rhythm,
Undulates with ebbs and flows

Does it feel lonely?
Isolated, yes
Lonely, nah
Full of beating hearts

Harboring life
Nurturing life
Safe haven
Melody of colors

Myriad of life forms
Prey and predator
Hide and seek
Live and let live

Star fish clinging on to a rock
Like joy in my heart
Hanging by a thread
Afraid, sorrow will return

Crabs trampling over each other
Like doubts in my mind
Some small, some not
Rushing, for what?

A tide comes with a whoosh
Washes the star fish
Regret, no good-byes
We may never meet again!

I contemplate
Could I live in a tide pool?
I reflect and realize
My tide pool is merely bigger.

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