Browse Tag: Free Verse

Rainbow (my poem #10)

Sight of a rainbow
Melts even stoic hearts
Lasts for a short time
Gradually departs

Much like human life
Transient, ephemeral
Present for few moments
Gone for another day

Splashed with colors
Why so many?
Is it a crown?
If so, whose?

No one can touch it
Is it still real?
Much like heartache
Can only feel it

Reality – real or augmented?
How does it matter?
Appear the same
What’s in a name?

Is it a sign from Divine?
If so, whose?
Does it matter?
Yes, for supremacy!

Needs water to form
Water from tears? Whose?
Happy or sad?
Duality in all spheres

Wonder about the order
Why is red at the top?
Blue near the bottom?
Random or planned?

Red, full of rage
Blue, cold like ice
Duality like war and peace
Eternal conflict like pain and joy

Does red feel freer?
Unbounded from one side
Blue, hemmed in
Much like Hindu bride and groom

Often as a pair
One dominant
One not so
Again, like Hindu couple

Where is the gold?
Searching for ever
Not at the end of a rainbow
Is within, so close yet so far

So many questions
Few answers
Nowhere to turn
Story of my life!

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