Browse Tag: Free Verse

Where are you from? (My poem #11)

This poem is based on an actual incident in my own neighborhood during the lockdown in 2020.  I was “Karened”.  While the incident is real, its description here is not verbatim.
(Karen Meaning & Origin | Slang by

Out for daily walk in my neighborhood
Imbibing air infused with Pacific ocean’s effervescence
Taking in the sights of rolling hills, curated flower beds,
manicured lawns, mega million-dollar mansions
Wondering what paradise would be like?

Feeling on top of the world
Minding my own business
Just then jolted by a voice, not just any voice
Not expecting the words uttered
Wondering what was said?

Used to waves, hellos, and good mornings
But it was none of that, something sinister
Voice of a lady, a stranger walking her dog
Asking me a loaded question – “where are you from?”
Wondering why such intrusive question?

At first, I ignored her, but she kept repeating
I said this is my neighborhood, has been for years
I didn’t need to ask her, why this question
Wondering what prompted her to ask?

“Why do you ask?” I said in a friendly voice
She replied sternly, “you look suspicious!”
Unnerving, and disconcerting, though not unexpected
I had not seen her before, a complete stranger
Wondering where is she from?

I ignored her, kept walking and so did she
Not satisfied, she asked again, but in a different tone
– more inquisitive and interrogative this time
I said I moved here from Canada
She gave me a strange look, I could read the meaning
You certainly do not look Canadian!
Wondering what did the dog think of this exchange?

She insisted, this time in a more exasperating tone
Syllables dispensed slowly, stressed with emphasis
Where are you really from?”, she asked
I didn’t want to give her the answer she wanted
I said “I am an American, and a proud one”
Wondering how she would respond?

Really where are you from?”, she asked in an irritating tone
I said “since you insist, I am from the Garden of Eden”
Just like you!
She threatened me by saying “I would call the police
I said “please go ahead” mockingly
Wondering had the dog seen this scene play out before?

From the looks of the dog’s facial expressions
I could tell the dog was getting infuriated
Probably wanting to say not again *****!
Wondering why didn’t she listen to her dog?

We parted our ways
Never to meet again during my walks
Didn’t need to wonder anymore as to where she was from!

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