Browse Tag: Free Verse

Our Ayatollahs!

I did a double take when I read
the decision by Ayatollahs – six of them
Yes, the Ayatollahs better known as Justices
Maybe they do have a conscience in them.

This is the same court that is bent on
dismantling the voting Rights act
Brick by brick, tract by tract
Refusing To take up a case of gerrymandering
Leaving it to corrupt State politicians for mischief making.

A decision in favor of African Americans?
There must be a catch, has to be, how can it not be!
Chief Justice is the least dogmatic of the six ayatollahs
But for Cavanaugh to join; is it an act of a wannabe?

Maybe Public’s perception of the court as
Being out of touch 
Dismantling even common sensical rules
favored by a large majority of the population
Resulting in very low approval ratings
Maybe they do care about their reputation!

One decision does not make a trend
We have to closely watch future rulings
Especially those related to civil rights and guns
We may be surprised by their musings!

For an optimist, it is a good start
But I will hold my applause
Not sure if Roberts can always peel away one Justice
In favor of commonsensical laws.

What else can we do, other than hope for some commonsense from our Ayatollahs!

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