Supreme Court and Ethics

Super Majority Narrative (6 justices; all appointees of Republican presidents)

To those who question our ethics.
Shame on you for such a question!
Do you ask God if he’s omnipotent?
Then why, against us, such compunction?

We are Supreme justices, next only to God
We sift wrong from right, but we are flexible
Each one of us interprets the constitution their way
Our interpretation is not rigid, rather malleable

All this hoo haa about ethics is a diversion
You should not doubt in how we comport
Our impartiality is beyond reproach
We don’t ever sell ourselves short

We know how to compartmentalize
Rest assured a ride in a private jet,
or a weekend in an exclusive resort
a favorable decision does not beget

We are not like politicians
Who can be bought and sold
We are beyond reproach, something
you shouldn’t have to be told

A measly million does not sway our opinion
You just need to accept this maxim, and
if you don’t, there is not much you can do!
Go live your “scruffy” life; go pound the sand

So, you say we “lie” to get confirmed
If so, shame on you for trusting our “lies“!
Won’t you do the same for this plum position?
Even when we are gone, our legacy survives.

We are like monarchs of the olden days
Our word is final, beyond question
We are at the apex, seated majestically
We are judge and jury, end of discussion!

We live in a great country, don’t we?
Lifetime appointment, no one above us!
Life cannot get any better, can it?
We each has been given a purpose.

Go do your chores, Make your scruffy living
This is what God has ordained for you
We are “Supreme”, we act accordingly
Our actions need no review!


Dissenting Narrative (3 justices ; all appointees of Democratic presidents)

We take exception to all the self-glorification
For us the Constitution is a living document
Not frozen in time of the founding fathers
This Court should not be a carved stone monument.

We are here to not fatten our pockets
Rather to help average American prosper
Shielding them from the powerful forces
Be they in private sector or in public sector.

God save America, land that we (all nine of us) love.

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