Thanksgiving 2024.

There are two sides to every holiday.
Happiness or sadness depends on which side you are on.
Just ask a sacrificial turkey if he/she is thankful on this day?


On the day of Thanksgiving

Let’s give thanks to nature.
For its bounty,
and countless gifts to humanity.

And to our elders,
for the values they instilled in us.
Be kind, thoughtful and generous.

And to our children,
for the joy they bring in our lives.
It’s through their love, life thrives

And to our friends,
for their unconditional support,
and non-judgmental rapport.

And to the Almighty power,
for exhorting us to keep going,
through thick or thin without stopping.

Happy Thanksgiving.
Please keep less fortunate ones in your thoughts, including the sacrificial turkey!

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