Mother’s Day 2023

This piece is based on a real tragedy involving two mothers. The main protagonist is a mother whose daughter gave birth to stillborn babies, not once but twice. ☹☹

Mother’s Day, bah humbug
Reminder of pain and heartache
Nothing to celebrate
Smiles, if any, forced and fake

A day to exalt motherhood
but not for one denied twice
and forever neutered
Blank stare in her eyes

Didn’t get to hold her babies
Didn’t get to sing them songs
Empty crib, unopened toys
Lord, please fix these wrongs!

You are omnipotent
Alas, even you can’t!
You are not almighty
Your behavior, aberrant

We live in the present
The past is too painful
The future, who knows?
Your existence, doubtful!

Lightning does strike twice
Don’t believe otherwise
Lord, you can be cruel, oh yea
Well intentioned, I used to surmise

You have forced me to question
Question your motive
You are a paradox, a conundrum
Doubt you, my prerogative!

Things happen for a reason?
I don’t see it, no I don’t
Not in this case
Absolve you? No I won’t!

Shattered dreams, broken soul
Silent screams, subdued cries
Lonely nights, long days
Blank gaze, bloodshot  eyes

I wish I could waive a magic wand!
It hurts to see my baby in grief
Why is it? things we want most
are denied, shaking our belief!

May the souls of the two beautiful babies rest in peace.
Babies who didn’t get a chance to breathe, cuddle in their mom’s arms, sport smiles, …….

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