Memorial Day 2023

A day to commemorate fallen heroes
Who gave their lives to protect our freedom
They marched to the call of duty, without fear
Never questioned their leaders’ wisdom.

But now………
An internal front has opened
Americans are killing Americans
Not just with guns, with acerbic rhetoric
Forgetting enemies are not fellow citizens

There is dearth of shared values
Values that made America great
Envy of the world, a beacon of hope
Common good, we no longer appreciate

Decency thrown into trash bin
Trash talk, put downs, my way or highway
is how we address fellow denizens
Public discourse has gone astray

Outright lying, manufactured facts
deep fakes, personal threats, tribalism,
winning at all costs, whether right or wrong
destroying democracy, marching towards fascism

So, on this Memorial Day, let’s take a vow
To keep America great, we must unite
Work towards common cause
Common good, not just personal pride.

Let’s ensure lives given by soldiers,
our brethren, would not have been in vain
That their ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedom
we honor, we cherish, we value, never disdain.

The Pandemic …..
Let’s also remember the essential workers
Who gave their lives during the pandemic
To save the lives of fellow citizens
Despite grave threat that was real, not academic.

We should not forget the million+ Americans
who lost their lives due to Covid-19
Let’s not pass value judgment on their choices
The extent of calamity was unforeseen!

May God bless America and its soldiers.
Ready and willing to rush to faraway places of extreme danger.
It is due to soldiers we can live in peace and pursue happiness.

Freedom’s Call (by – Susan Helene Kramer)
We show our thankfulness in prayer
This honor you deserve
Giving all for freedom’s call
That we may live without reserve.

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