Browse Category: Social commentary


Genocide is genocide.
You know it,
When you see it with your own eyes.
No law degree is needed,
To recognize.

When people are starved.
When people are denied medicines.
When people are bombed with no way out.
It is genocide.
There is no doubt.

When hospitals are bombed.
When living quarters are blasted.
When people are left to die.
With nothing other than their cries
It is genocide.
You have no answers to why’s!

When borders are sealed.
When exits are blocked.
When humanity is sucked out.
When conscience is abated.
It is genocide.
Truth need not be debated!

When ordinary masses are slaughtered.
With nothing to save themselves.
When being alive is the only crime.
It is genocide.
Killing is happening all the time.

When powerful forces collude in killing.
When murderers are not stopped.
When hypocrisy is in plain view.

Dare I ask,
Is genocide genocide only
when victims of genocide are White?
Is genocide not genocide
when victims are
Muslims, blacks, indigenous, non-Europeans?
Remember Bosnia, Rwanda, American Continent, Japan……

The world says never again.
It’s nothing but rhetoric.
The words are hollow.
The sentiment is shallow.
When no repercussions follow.
Genocide keeps happening.

The cycle is repeated.
Genociders are emboldened.
It will happen again and again and again
Sadly, for us humans, talk is cheap!

So, in conclusion,
Let me say it loud and clear.
Without any fear
It’s genocide.
It’s genocide.
It’s genocide.

May God have mercy!

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