Browse Category: Love and Hatred

Ila and Dev – happy golden anniversary!

Happy 50th anniversary!
So much has happened
Some good, some bad
Some happy, some sad.

You must be proud of yourselves.
You have piloted the ship astutely
Waters are not always calm, you
maneuvered around storms safely.

You provided a loving and learning
environment to your two smart children
They have grown up to be successful adults
Now doing the same for their children.

Dev’s career at Xerox, a shining example
for people of all ethnicity and color
But specially for us Asians, he is
a great ambassador and mentor.

You have lived by simple rules,
always been positive in disposition
You have avoided fads and flavors of the day
You have given everyone love and affection.

We wish you a happy and healthy future
full of love, laughter and merriment
You have a lot to look forward to, especially
your grandchildren’s continued development

I know I have benefited immensely
from your guidance and advice
Road not always straight or smooth
Life is a blend of sugar and spice.

Best wishes.


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