Browse Category: Life and death

Life must go on!

This piece is a follow up to the piece I posted earlier on Mother’s Day based on a real tragedy. In this piece the main protagonist is a mother who gave birth to stillborn babies, not once but twice. I have changed the names in order to protect privacy. ☹☹

Dear Jennifer,

We know you are hurting
Your grief is palpable
You are asking why me and why twice
Many things happen without rhyme or reason
Not everything can be explained, evil or nice.

As painful as it is right now, hard to fathom
Give yourself time, things will get better, they do
You will learn to cope with grief and resume your life
Joy will reappear, happiness will renew.

John and Janice are watching over you
They know you are strong and brave
They want you to get back to living your life
Enjoy the activities that you crave.

Mommy, mommy, mommy, please smile
We don’t want to see you being sad all the time
You make us happy when you are happy
Your smile is nothing but sublime.

We know what happened is not your fault
One day we are going to meet again
Until then, live your life, smile, thrive
Your old self you must regain.

We got to go now. GranPa and GranMa are calling us.

Bye. We love you, now and forever. Hugs and kisses!

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