Browse Category: Life and death

If I could erase a day!

This is based on a tragedy in real life.
The voice is that of a grandmother whose daughter gives birth to a stillborn son.


If I could erase a day off calendar
I ponder, would it lessen my pain?
The empty square will still be there
Staring at me with disdain!

It is a day that will live in infamy
It dawned full of anticipation
But met an untimely death
Took abrupt unexpected turn.

I ask you my lord why, why?
Why this act of cruelty?
Aren’t you a benefactor?
Am befuddled with this duality!

Life is unfair, I have to deal with it
I must say we didn’t deserve this
You have shaken my faith in you
Robbed me of eternal bliss!

Passage of time
Hasn’t lessened the pain
Has my worship over the years
been in complete vain?

My tears dried up long ago
But I haven’t stopped crying
If you care to look, you will see
trails of tears are petrifying.

What did we do to deserve this?
I am sure you have an answer
Do you care to share with me?
Not knowing will gnaw forever.

Questioning you and your motive
is heresy, but I am only human
I am looking for answers,
not another sermon.

You don’t have an answer. Do you?

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