Oh baby. I have been waiting!

This is my first English song.
It has been rendered by Hengylou Juntilla of the Philippines.
This is not the finished version.
Hengylou abandoned the project midstream.

Instead of waiting for a replacement singer, I decided to post it.
I don’t have any training in music.
It sounds good to me!

I had to add musical accompaniment to the vocals.
It is really amazing as to how easy it is to add music to vocals these days! 🙂


I have been waiting
You’re out there cheating.

I gave you my heart.
You slowly took it apart.

I am hungry for your touch.
You don’t care for me much.

How can you be so cruel.
Don’t set me up for a duel.

Tell me who she is I am losing to.
What has she given to you?

What does she have that I don’t?
Ask me for anything, refuse I won’t.

Why can’t you see my pain?
Without you, I am going insane.

Tell me what you want more of.
What is it that I am short of?

I surely miss you, my love.
You are my “morning” dove.

Don’t leave me heartbroken.
Come, indulge me, softspoken!

I have been waiting.
Oh baby, my love!



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