Browse Month: October 2024

Truth and Lies

Lies repeated often become truths
Real Truths hurt and cause pain
Liars are adored, and applauded
Truth tellers are subject to disdain.

Lies get more airtime
Truths are barely mentioned
In the name of free speech,
liars are not sanctioned.

Blame it on human nature
For they like juicy tit bits
In comparison, truths are dry
They will never be pop hits.

Liars work with a blank canvas
No limits on what they can draw
Truth tellers must deal with finished art
Mozart will always be Mozart!

Politicians are known to always lie
Trump has taken lying to a new high
Truth has become extinct
I say with deep regret, a long sigh!

Most of us Can’t handle the truth anyways!
RIP Truth.

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