Browse Month: December 2022

My Haikus (#11-#16) – Word Cup of Soccer

A haiku in English is an English-language poem written in the Japanese poetry style known as haiku, which correlates the two languages. The degree to which haiku in English resemble classic Japanese haiku varies, but many of these poems draw on short, concise wording and a reference to the seasons.  Usually, haiku in English follows a three-line format with 17 syllables arranged in a 5–7–5 pattern.

My haiku will not necessarily be referencing seasons. It will also include social and cultural commentary.

Syllable count by


World cup, rich and poor
High hopes, dreams at start, sadly
Only one winner!

Votes bought and sold
FIFA a Monopoly
Money washes sins!

Qatar, rich nation
Exploits desperate migrants
Modern Slavery!

Messi, Ronaldo
Two best players, league champions
No world cup to show!

Penalty kicks sick
Miss penalty shot, cruel
Agony for life!

One save, lucky man
Two saves, superman
Three, automaton!

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